Media Kit Instructions & Template
A media kit, or press kit, is a page on your website that houses promotional resources and information for reporters and publishers.
Which Influencers need a Media Kit?
According to Linquia 2022, Micro influencers are in the highest demand(under 15,000 followers). If you want work, don’t overprice your services!! And – don’t offer to work for free! Most marketers do NOT prioritize “no-payment influencers”.

This tutorial is not focused on the aesthetics of your media kit – because it doesn’t matter. And I know – I work with visual aesthetics for a living. Recognition and differentiation matter, but brand hiring you, only cares about the results.
The most important part of the Media Kit is that you prove your worth.
Media Kit Intro
You have lost them if this doesn’t grab their attention. Here are a few tips to help capture that valuable waning commodity.
- Be niche specific
If you are a health-conscious, vegan 50+ beauty influencer you just skipped to the front of the line. A regular non-specific ‘beauty influencer’ has poor odds of getting the contract.
- Stay on brand
Whatever you do to get attention in the first 2 seconds of your videos – that thing you are known for – do that. Here are beautiful examples from Canva – each different and engaging.
- Brigitte: movement & background color
- Sasha: movement on neutral background
- Olivia: pop into frame with the vibe
- Focus on your selling point
Here are great examples:
- Brigitte: bold color branding
- Sacha: great photography, neutral, youthful
- Olivia: approachable, photography, neutral

Target Avatar/ Your Audience Demographics
Brands have detailed customer avatars – the closer your audience matches theirs, the better the chance they’ll hire you. Here’s an example of a shoe brand’s avatar:

Here’s a great example of building your own:

Age Demographic Example: Of Boomers, only 9% follow influencers… what percent of your audience is a Boomer? I bet it’s more than 9% – Publicize that!!

Influencer Services List
- pitch campaign based services
- pitch tailored ideas
- focus on engagement rate
If you are creating your own demand, you’ll need to propose ideas. Something like this:
The top post on my site is ____. My audience responds really well to _____. We saw _____ (result) when we worked with _____(brand).
“67% of teams working with influencers prefer the partnerships to be campaign-based, rather than ongoing.
Stats by Media/Channel
List the stats in cute icons, or graphs and include the stats that matter – your engagement rate and the comments/DMs you get. Also, pinpoint the best media for the brand you’re pitching to. If your stats aren’t stellar yet, mesh this section with the success stories.
Your engagement rates are what matter. Here’s the baseline for engagement by platform and audience size. If yours beat this, you want to make that front & center in your media kit.

Proof of Influencer Marketing ROI
Use logos for authority, and include examples of photos and videos for viewing. Know that brand reps are incredibly busy and will not click on a link.
We worked in partnership with _____ to increase their brand awareness by (# of views) and engagement (clicks). That doesn’t take into account dark social and ‘touchpoints’.
If you don’t have testimonials yet, use a quote like this one: (source)
“Businesses have seen a return of $5.78 for every $1.00 on influencer marketing campaigns.
Rate Cards – Should you include them?
- Use rate cards if you are in high demand and wish to pre-qualify contacts.
- If you are just beginning, leave the rates inside your media kit and note that they are negotiable.
These rates were ‘updated’ August 2022 from Influencer Marketing Hub.
Do not use rate cards if you are new and want to negotiate. Go back to July’s newsletters on the sales advice and use the psych tricks to show your rates in the best light.
More Proof of your ROI
Include a mini ‘white paper’ so that the decision-maker can defend their choice of you – make it easy for them to show the boss, “See – I choose them – they’re amazing.”
*make the review seem authentic with slight negativity, and placing restriction first, promotion second<< use all the psych tricks I’ve been sending in the newsletter!
Extras | Template
Every week I include quotes that you can use in your media kits to further prove your value to brands.
And all the psych tricks – cause I am in love with psychology!
Click the image to open Canva and click the purple “Use Template” button.