Amazon is one of the most popular affiliate companies because it is easy to use and the barrier to entry is really low. If you have a website and make a few sales a year, you can keep an affiliate account at Amazon.

Once you are approved, and have an account, you need to get those links into your pages and start promoting! There are 3 ways of entering your links:

One: Use just a link.

Here are the steps for finding, copying and pasting your amazon links into your WordPress posts:

Navigate to amazon, login (so you can view your “Site Stripe”), search for the product you’d like to promote.
Click “Text”. It is already selected, so just click “copy” with your mouse or <Ctrl> + <C>. 


Then log into your post, find the text that needs this link. Select the text,
click the chain link icon to paste the link. Or just click <Ctrl>+<K>.

Paste the link – and voila! Your new link will take your potential buyers directly to that amazon item.

Two: Use an image in your post

The great thing about this is you don’t even need to take the picture yourself!

As before, navigate to Amazon, login, make sure the “SiteStripe” is visible.
Find the product you’d like to promote. Click on “image” in the sitestripe,
and copy the code. 


Then open up your post and find the section talking about your item-to-promote (fuzzy slippers).
Wherever you paste this code, an image will appear. It can be above, below or beside a paragraph.
Paste the code into the text tab (html block in Gutenberg).

Three: A group of images

A common placement of affiliate items is in a group. For example, the ingredients and tools from a recipe or craft. This is a really easy look to get.

To get this look, simply find the first item, get the large image (see above) and copy and paste.
Repeat three times. Do not add spaces or returns – just paste all three blocks of code one after the other. (You cannot center it.)

It looks more intimidating than it is! Literally copy – paste -times three. 

For extra credit! 

For the HTML Savvy using a custom theme of ours, or a child theme of Genesis, you should be able to use this code to center them nicely in three columns on your page:

<div class="one-third first">enter the block of code here</div>
<div class="one-third">enter the 2nd block of code here </div>
<div class="one-third">enter the 3rd block of code here </div>

Remember that affiliate sales only work if you’re getting traffic to see your promotions! And sales convert at 1-3% usually of those who click. And you’re doing really well if you get 20-30% of your audience to click! It takes work, but once you get 1,000 or so visitors a day this is a better option than adsense!


Beginner Checklist

If you’re starting out, you’ll love our comprehensive 52 point checklist for your website! Read through once, and then work on items one at a time as it comes up!

52 Edits Checklist – beginners categories

Cathy Mitchell

Single Mom, Lifelong Learner, Jesus Follower, Founder and CEO at WPBarista.