We all know the key to great email marketing is a good incentive! Today, we’re going to show how to use Chat GPT to do the research, outline, writing(if you want) and even image creation for your next Lead Magnet! We use the words Lead Magnet and Opt-in Incentive interchangeably.

All prompts are customized to your audience, niche, challenge and goal. And we will show you real examples that will work to get what you need out of Chat GPT. Chat GPT 4 is incredible at writing – you just need to give it enough instruction to modify the output to sound like you.

Always, always read and edit before publishing, though! It will bold-face lie to you!

How to Get the Best Results

Always edit the prompts to include audience, niche, usp, challenges and anything else that will help the AI understand the needed output.

[Audience] – include things like the age, income, economic status, geography if relevant and the technological capacity. An example that I use is: middle-aged women (age), full-time blogger, empty-nester (socio-economic), Americans(geography), who are wary of any new technology (tech comfort level)

[niche] – include the market vertical. At WPB, I will run these prompts several times for each: style & fashion, cooking & food, entrepreneurs, coaching

[USP] include the thing that makes you unique. For us, it is a friendly, approachable yet trustworthy tone. For some it is fun graphics, or comedy writing, or relatable, down to earth. Sometimes it is a unique thing about your product – do you cater to new moms, or coach empty-nesters – use those words somewhere!

[challenges] You should already have a good understanding of your audience’s needs and wishes and the obstacles they face to get there. Your job or product is to help them move forward, hopefully with a little entertainment or education or encouragement. This will depend on what prompt you are creating.

[product] Always include the product and any keywords that you need to keep in mind; this will depend on what prompt you are using at the time

[simile] Include instructions to create like so-and-so if that will give the AI more information.

[output] Always include what format you’d like the output to take. ie: brief points, outline, bibliography, full report-style paragraphs. My favorite is to request an outline, with key points that I need to make, along with key visuals that I need to create to effectively communicate the point.

Lead Magnet Prompt: Research

These prompts will use AI to help you research an effective lead magnet. If you do not know your top competitors, find them with this:

I do [USP] for [Audience]. We sell [product] to accomplish [goal/benefit]. Who are my top competitors who also sell [product]? Please format in a list, include name, website link to the [product] and annual revenue, if available. Site sources below each one.

Then use the next prompt to find their most popular downloads.

Using the top competitors above, list out their top marketing plans, I’m especially interested if they use email marketing and what their signup pages look like. Create a list for me, with the name of competitor, their product/website, their top 3 marketing efforts, along with the link to their email marketing forms, if they use email marketing.

Visit each link, and get an idea for what is being offered as incentives. Can you do better? To find out, use this prompt:

I will paste the opt-in incentive from [competitor 1], below. I would like to do better than this one. Scan the document and look for ways to improve the quality of presentation, the tone of voice and the style of writing. Also check for any missing ideas or content that would be helpful on [main topic of opt-in] that [audience] in [niche] would need to know. List out the ways that [doc] can be improved in point form, and include examples.

You might have to go back and around on the last one to narrow down the results to something usable. Another way to research, without looking at any competitor is to ask this:

I need to create a digital product that [audience] in [niche] who struggle with [challenge] would pay for. List out popular digital products that [audience] pays for currently. List out the type of digital product and provide 1-3 links of examples that I can find on the web. Please keep the examples within the [niche] niche.

AI to Outline the Lead Magnet

Now that you have some ideas and examples, let’s get a framework around the lead magnet so we can get started quickly. Start with an outline:

I am writing a [lead magnet] that is [x] pages long for [audience] who struggle with [challenge]. I sell [product] which helps [main benefit]. Create a short, succinct outline, including key points to cover, and key visuals I’ll need.

If you’re not sure what key points to include, just ask!

I am writing a [lead magnet] that is [x] pages long for [audience] who struggle with [challenge]. I sell [product] which helps [benefit here]. To make the best [lead magnet] that I can, what are the key points I should include? Also cite your sources.

In this outline, we are going to get AI to help us with visuals too. Use this:

Create a table from the outline above and include 3 columns titled “main points”, “key visuals”, and “AI Prompts”. In column, “Main Points”, add the main point from the outline above, each in a new row. In column “Key Visuals” include the key visual suggestion from the outline above, corresponding with the Main Point; in column “AI Prompts”, create and enter a prompt that I can use in DALL-E to generate an impactful visual for that point.

Generate a Title

Now let’s get some really catchy titles. Use something like this:

Create a catchy and memorable name for the [lead magnet] above, that will appeal to [audience] and piques their curiosity. Give me 6 – 10 ideas and keep them under 10 words each.

Once you have some ideas that you like, you can ask for revisions of the idea, and narrow the audience, use paint points or solutions, or ask for a particular engaging tactic – like curiosity, fear of missing out, sarcasm, dry humor, etc.

Write It For You

If you want to get AI to write it for you – and I’m not sure this is a great idea – you can use the prompts below.

For the [lead magnet], Main Point #1 [main point], please write [output] in the style of [simile] explaining the key points. Use [USP], and keep the tone [tone]. Provide interesting stats to support the points. Cite sources and include link to source.

A few other ideas to get some interesting material is to instruct Chat GPT to use one of the following styles while creating the content / copy:

  • conversational,
  • storytelling,
  • emotional appeal,
  • informative,
  • humorous,
  • FOMO,
  • social proof,
  • minimal,
  • inspirational,
  • provocative,
  • nostalgic,
  • problem-solution,
  • metaphorical,
  • scientific,
  • technical,
  • business style

Use [style option] to rewrite the [Main Point].

If that isn’t enough options, try these different writing themes:

  • AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action),
  • “explain it to a child”,
  • “Explain it to a professor”,
  • FAB (Features, Advantages, Benefits),
  • HSO(hook, story, offer),
  • PAS (pain, agitate, solution)

Use the writing pattern: [see examples above] to create engaging copy following the outline for the section: [Main Point]. Include the relevant key points.


While you’re here, why not get your social media started? Try these to get a quick list of ideas or fully-written captions.

Which hashtags does [audience] commonly use on IG when they are searching in [niche] for [solutions/challenges]. List up to 20 in list format. Link to examples.

Create a table with 4 columns. Column two will have at least 20 sharable, viral tweets that you will gather from the following document. One tweet on each row. Go through the document and look for quotes that might interest [audience], in [niche] who struggle with [challenge]. The most important quotes from the document that I need is that with humor or entertainment value. List those quotes first, then list anything interesting or engaging. In column three, create compelling headlines for each row. In column four suggest a meme if you know of one or a key visual that I should include for maximum effect. And in column one, add the type of tweet, from the following: informative, educational, entertaining, engaging.

Looking for a longer IG caption? Try this one:

Craft a detailed Instagram caption with an engaging hook that draws [audience] into learning more about [lead magnet topic]. Make sure the caption is sharing a personal insight or anecdote related to [niche]. Seamlessly transition into introducing and summarizing [tweet from above] and ensure the caption provides [MAIN POINT]. Encourage engagement by asking followers to opt-into the email signup with a compelling call to action. Always keep in mind our niche [niche] and [usp]. Use less than 2,200 characters.

You got this friend!

Beginner Checklist

If you’re starting out, you’ll love our comprehensive 52 point checklist for your website! Read through once, and then work on items one at a time as it comes up!

52 Edits Checklist – beginners categories

Cathy Mitchell

Single Mom, Lifelong Learner, Jesus Follower, Founder and CEO at WPBarista.